Deregulation of microRNAs in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Objectives: Head and neck cancer is amongst the most prevalent malignancies in the world. The condition is also alarming in Pakistan. The main aim of the current research was to examine the expression profiling of microRNAs which are miR-105-5p, miR-10a-5p, miR-3658, miR-3160-3p, miR-4795-5p and miR-431-5p in HNC patients. Furthermore, the expression was also correlated with the clinical parameters, and prognostic significance was evaluated.
Methods: 300 HNC patients tumor samples and an equal number of healthy control samples were collected from differ- ent hospitals in Pakistan. The expression analysis of the selected microRNAs was carried out using real-time PCR (qPCR).
Results: The results showed that the microRNAs were significantly deregulated in HNC patients compared to the con- trols. miR-105-5p (p<0.0004), miR-10a-5p (p<0.0001), miR-3658(p<0.003), miR-3160-3p (p<0.0001) were found signifi- cantly downregulated, while miR-4795-5p (p<0.0001) and miR-431-5p (p<0.0001) were found upregulated in HNC pa- tients as compared to controls. The Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that the deregulation of these microRNAs was found associated with decreased survival in HNC patients.
Conclusion: Our results suggested that the selected microRNAs were found deregulated in HNC patients and this deregulation was also found associated with significantly increased risk of HNC not only that it was also linked to de- creased survival of HNC patients.
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