Association of MATN-3 and ADIPOQ Polymorphisms with Susceptibility to Knee Osteoarthritis

Objectives: The associations of Matrilin-3 (MATN3) and Adiponectin (ADIPOQ) polymorphisms with knee osteoarthritis (OA) risk have been reported, but it is currently the conclusions have been divergent. Thus, this study was performed to evaluate the association of MATN3 and ADIPOQ polymorphisms with susceptibility to knee OA.
Methods: We carried out this case-control study involving 105 cases with knee OA and 120 healthy subjects to evaluate the association of MATN3 rs8176070, ADI POQ rs1501299, rs822396, and rs2241766 polymorphisms with knee OA using RFLP-PCR assay.
Results: There was a significant association between MATN3 rs8176070 polymorphism and KOA risk. However, there was no significant association between rs1501299, rs822396, and rs2241766 polymorphisms at ADIPOQ gene and knee OA risk.
Conclusion: This piece of evidence revealed that the MATN3 rs8176070 polymorphism was serving as risk factor for development of knee OA, but not ADI POQ rs1501299, rs822396, and rs2241766 polymorphisms. However, well-designed and large-scale clinical studies are necessary to further validate our results.
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