AccScience Publishing / CP / Column / tumor_microenvironment
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Tumor Microenvironment
Journal: Cancer Plus
Release date: 2024
Column Information

The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a complex and dynamic network of cancer cells and surrounding non-cancerous components, including immune cells, fibroblasts, blood vessels, and the extracellular matrix. The TME plays a critical role in cancer development, progression, and response to therapy. This Column delves into the intricate interactions within the TME, offering new insights into how these interactions influence tumor behavior and treatment outcomes.

Key topics covered in this Column include the role of stromal cells in supporting tumor growth, the mechanisms by which the TME promotes immune evasion, and the impact of the extracellular matrix on metastasis and drug resistance. Additionally, articles explore innovative therapeutic strategies aimed at targeting the TME to improve cancer treatment efficacy.

By enhancing our understanding of the TME, this Column aims to foster the development of novel interventions that can disrupt the supportive network of the TME, thereby inhibiting tumor progression and improving patient outcomes.


  • Tumor microenvironment
  • Cancer progression
  • Immune evasion
  • Stromal cells
  • Drug resistance
  • Extracellular matrix
  • Tumor-stroma interactions
  • Metastasis
  • Therapeutic targeting
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Cancer Plus, Electronic ISSN: 2661-3840 Print ISSN: 2661-3832, Published by AccScience Publishing