Characterization, Physicochemical and Biological Treatment of Sweet Whey (Major Pollutant in Dairy Effluent)
The sweet whey resulting from cheese production is the most polluting among all types of dairy waste waters given that it contains a huge quantity of organic biodegradable matters. In this study, we realize a physicochemical treatment of sweet whey, by coagulation-flocculation using aluminum sulphate as a coagulant and sodium alginate as flocculent and a biological treatment in suspension, using Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus spp.
The physicochemical treatment by coagulation-flocculation has reduced 33% of the chemical oxygen demand,45% of the turbidity, 72% of suspended matter and 20% of total phosphorus. The biological treatment has reduced considerably all the studied parameters; the organic charge determined by the chemical oxygen demand (COD) has received a very significant reduction upto 90% using Pseudomonas fluorescens during 20 days. On the other side, the biological treatment realized with Bacillus spp. was less effective, reduced the COD with 54% under the same conditions of the treatment by Pseudomonas fluorescens and for the same period. But these two bacteria are equally effective in reducing the total nitrogen TN (92% reduction/20 days).
This work presents a biotechnology for the treatment of sweet whey. It’s an economic method, simple and environment friendly.
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