Combinational System for the Treatment of Textile Waste Water: A Future Perspective

In recent times, control of pollution has been a major concern. Textile dyes which are important organic compounds are also significant industrial pollutants. Textile dyes are commonly xenobiotic in nature and are not degraded easily by biological systems. Currently the treatment of textile waste water for remediation of recalcitrant dyes is based on either physical, chemical and biological treatment. Each process has its own advantages as well as disadvantages and therefore various combinations have been tried to achieve efficient, eco-friendly and economic treatment of textile waste water. The present review is an attempt to summarise the three treatments and the possible combination in use. We have also proposed alternatives comprising of adsorption, chemical oxidation and biodegradation process. The proposed combination system involves use of pre treated sugarcane bagasse for adsorption of dyes followed by treatment of dyes with Fenton reagent for chemical oxidation which can then be easily biodegraded with suitable micro organisms under aerobic conditions.
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