Calotropis as Bioindicator Plant for Assessing Trace Elemental Contamination of Environment

This paper is an attempt to study the efficacy of Calotropis, a perennial wild plant, to act as a bioindicator of trace elemental pollution at Central East Indian locations. In the study the Calotropis has been found to be an efficient indicator of trace element. Corresponding physical change was observed in the wild plant due to the accumulation of trace element. High values of trace element correspond to stunted growth of the plant with small sized leaves and flowers. Concentration of trace element obtained indicated the degree of disturbance when assessed against background values obtained from unpolluted vegetation. Results show that the plant can be used as an effective bioindicator of metal pollution. Its sensitivity towards the metal in environment follows the order of Fe > Ni > Pb > Mg > Zn > Mn > Ca > Cu. Enrichment calculations show high enrichment of Pb and Cu.
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