Sediment Characteristic and Concentration of Heavy Metals in Water and Sediment of the Effluent Discharging Water Body of Nagaon Paper Mill, Assam, India

The impact of Nagaon Paper Mill effluent on the sediment of the effluent discharging water course in water and sediment was studied. Analysis of bed sediment samples showed a general decreasing trend of pH, alkalinity, EC, organic carbon, and organic matter from sampling stations 1 to 6. Water holding capacity, water content, bulk density, Ca2+, Mg2+, and sulphate of bed sediment samples collected from sampling station 1 to 6 has an increasing trend. This means that the upstream of the beel was polluted with respect to reference sampling station at 7. It was revealed from the analysis of the results of heavy metals concentration in effluent, beel water and sediment that their concentration lies far below the tolerance limit. However, the heavy metals concentrations in beel water and sediment samples at different sampling stations were higher than the concentration of heavy metals at reference sampling station 7. Analysis of bed sediment samples showed a general decreasing trend of heavy metals viz., Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn from sampling station 1 to 6.
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