Mercury Contamination along the Mekong River, Cambodia

Sampling and analysis of mercury was conducted along the Mekong River from central to northern Cambodia. One of 10 Irrawaddy Dolphin livers analyzed had a high concentration of mercury (67 µg/g). The mercury content of fish at Kratie was on average 99 ng/g (n=160) but in some species it was up to six-fold higher. People located in a sample drainage basin with gold mines, on average, had more mercury in their hair (4.4 µg/g) than those living along the northern portion of the Mekong River (3.4 µg/g). Males, on average, exhibited higher mercury in their hair than women (5.2 vs 3.1 µg/g, respectively). Individuals had as much as 23 µg/g of mercury in their hair. While mercury levels in hair and fish were elevated and gold mines were one source, there are other unknown sources and further analysis is required to determine what sources of mercury are manageable in Cambodia.
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