Combined Treatment of Landfill Leachate and Domestic Wastewater in Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film (SAFF) Reactor

A number of methods have been employed for the treatment of landfill leachate. In the present study attempts have been made to treat landfill leachate in a sewage treatment plant so that existing sewage treatment plants can be utilized for leachate treatment. A submerged aerobic fixed film reactor was employed for the study. The reactor consists of two compartments: the top one containing PVC media for the growth of biomass while the lower portion contains microorganisms under suspension. Diffused aeration was provided in the lower portion. The reactor was seeded with the digested sewage sludge obtained from Okhla sewage treatment plant, Delhi. A constant HRT of 24 hours was maintained throughout the reactor. Initially the reactor was fed with sewage and was operated for 30 days till steady state conditions were achieved, the COD removal efficiency being 90%. Thereafter leachate was introduced with the sewage at dilutions of 3%, 5% and 8%. With the addition of 3% leachate the COD removal efficiency decreased to 75%. Further leachate addition at 5% dilution shows a decrease in COD removal efficiency to an average of 67% and finally a higher dilution of 8% shows a COD removal efficiency of 49%. During the entire study the suspended solids removal was 100 %. The BOD removal efficiency was almost similar to that of COD removal efficiency.
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