Chemical Quality of Ground Water in Relation to Incidence of Cancer in Parts of SW Punjab, India

Chemical quality and radon activity of ground water along with F, NO3, SO4, U, Pb, Cr and Ni was monitored in certain parts of SW Punjab to assess the role of these elements in causing cancer in Jajjal and Gyana villages of Bhatinda district, Punjab. The work shows that contents of U, Pb, Cr, Ni, F and SO4 are above the permissible limits. The interaction of groundwater with soils formed by the weathering of high heat producing granites of Tosham area and with evaporites including foetid limestone/dolomite is responsible for high contents of radon and other elements. Indiscriminate use of pesticides and the air and water pollution caused by the effluents of thermal plant are also responsible for the degradation of quality of water in the area.
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