Box-Behnken Design of Experiments in the Adsorption of Anionic Dyes on the Bio Polymer Chitosan

The adsorption of anionic dye acid Orange 10 and acid Orange 51 on chitosan, a food processing industrial bio polymeric waste was studied. Box-Behnken model and analysis of variance (ANOVA) have been applied to the experimental adsorption studies. Response surface method with three levels of variances namely pH (6.7, 7.4, 9.2),
particle size (0.100, 0.175 and 0.250 mm) and temperature (30, 45 and 60°C) were used in the identification of significant effects and interaction in the batch adsorption studies. A second order polynomial regression model has been developed using experimental data. From the results it was found that the selected variables as a strong effect on adsorption and also the experimental values were in good agreement with predicted values with the correlation coefficient value in the range of » 0.99.
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