Water Quality Status of the Rivers in Tembilahan City Based on Physical-Chemical Parameters and Storet Index

Tembilahan city has several tidal-type rivers flowing into the Indragiri river which encountered a waste pollution problem. This research aims to obtain insight into the water quality of the rivers in Tembilahan City. Characteristics of rivers that flow in urban areas are vulnerable to water quality degradation and environmental pollution due to high anthropogenic activities. Water quality data, which includes physical and chemical properties of water, were obtained from monitoring four rivers as sampling stations representing several rivers in Tembilahan city. The sampling location was determined based on the representativeness of the human activity area. The river water quality status was analysed by using Storet Index. The results showed that the water quality of the rivers in Tembilahan City has a score of -31 which indicates that the rivers are categorised as polluted rivers. Therefore, there is a need for river revitalisation management with the participation of the public sector and the community in Tembilahan City.
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