An Approach in Modelling the Physiological Effects of Waste Disposal on Human Health

In the past several decades research scholars and professionals have emphasised the need to direct research efforts to the complex physiological effect of waste disposal. More recently, researchers have argued that for nation to stay healthy, the physiological effects of waste disposal as it relates to accident and disease prevention needs to be understood. While accident studies in environments, where improper waste disposal methods apply are very important, the current trend in disease explosion both in the developed and developing countries of the world has reached an alarming dimension. Research studies presently reveal that there is an outbreak of some terminal diseases such as SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which may perhaps be related to inappropriate waste disposal method. Thus, there is a need for a renewed attention on disease control through the development of appropriate waste disposal control models. Therefore, modelling the physiological effects of waste disposal in some mathematical perspectives should be adequately explored. This work presents a model on the physiological effects of waste disposal with the use of statistical theory. This presentation and an understanding of the interaction of the component variables offer some beneficial insight. Some probabilistic measures are formulated using the expectancy model in statistics. The results showed that the scientific modelling of the waste disposal problem is feasible. Future studies could include the application of emerging concepts and analytical tools such as analytical hierarchy process (AHP), fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm (GA).
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