Characterising and Analysing the Composition and Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Delhi, India

This research presents a comprehensive analysis of municipal solid waste (MSW) composition and characteristics from four landfill sites in Delhi, India. The study reveals that the moisture content in the MSW from all sites was below 40%, impacting leachate formation and microbial activities. Varied compositions were observed among the sites, with the Okhla landfill having higher paper and plastic content, while the Ghazipur landfill exhibited elevated wood content. Recycling emerges as a crucial focus, with approximately 36.5% of the waste comprising reusable materials like plastic and paper. Composting, particularly vermicomposting, proves to be a promising waste disposal method due to the substantial organic content (approximately 75%) in the MSW. These findings hold significant implications for waste management policies in Delhi, encouraging sustainable practices and effective waste treatment strategies for a greener future.
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