Assessment of Nutrient Contents in River Waters Introduced to Beni Haroun Dam, North East Algeria

The main objective of this study was to assess the hydrochemical water quality of the rivers that flowed into the Beni Haroun dam by integrating the use of biogeochemical and multivariate statistical investigation methods. Water samples were collected from the four principal rivers (Oued Rhumel, Oued Radjas, Oued Kebir and Oued El-Kotone rivers) flowing into the Beni Haroun dam in February 2020. Essential physical parameters (pH, Electric Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Dissolved Oxygen (O2)) and nutrient contents (dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN: NH4, NO3 and NO2), phosphate (PO4) and silicates (SiO4) were analysed. The results of our study showed important variations in physical parameters according to the characteristics of each river; additionally, SiO2, NO3 and NO2 were found to be highly abundant in Oued Rhumel, Oued Radjas and Oued El-Kotone rivers. This abundance could be explained by the fact that these three rivers were more exposed to anthropogenic pollution principally due to agricultural activities compared to the Oued Kebir river. In contrast, NH4, as well as phosphate (PO4), was present at high concentrations in both Oued Rhumel and Oued Radjas rivers. These biogeochemical conditions would have severe impacts on the functioning and productivity of aquatic systems.
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