Abiogenic and Biogenic Petroleum Origin: A Common Theory for Geological Surveys

Biogenic and abiogenic origins of petroleum are a pertinent problem today, which have been examined in this article including the current state of theories and experimental facts. The paper provides an overview of works on this subject over the past decade. As analysis of scientific research efforts, majority of scientists suggest that petroleum is organic in origin. The second theory also includes reliable facts and hypotheses about the existence of abiogenic hydrocarbons. This origin is associated with tectonic geological processes, in particular, orogenesis, rifting, excessive releases, erosion, sediment deposition, deep gas releases, etc. The results of experimental studies, the existing concepts presented in this review, show that despite disagreements between the proponents of both theories, common beliefs remain prevalent, namely, about the process of hydrocarbons formation both on Earth and other objects of the solar system. The analysis concludes that the consolidation of these theories is of high scientific interest and has great potential for confirmation of numerous hypotheses, facts from the scientific point of view and the search for alternative energy sources due to environmental and economic issues associated with the impoverishment of natural resources. This review study is valuable for generalising various scientific theories, which can be used for future research efforts and modelling new ideas about the origin of hydrocarbons
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