Analysis, Evaluation and Risk Management in One of the Pipe Industry by FMEA in Sistan and Baluchistan Province

At present, the advancement of science and industry has caused humans to be exposed to many dangers that never existed before. Increasing incidents and damages to industry in the world, especially Iran, confirms this claim. Today, several methods are used to identify and investigate hazards, and the existence of various analytical methods always forces the analyst to choose a method. The purpose of this study was to identify the hazards in a pipe-laying workshop in Sistan and Baluchestan province using the failure mode and effect analysis and finally provide a risk management solution. To accomplish this study and collect necessary data and complete the sheets for analyzing the failure mode and its effects, a team of experts was formed and using the process of observing the method and interviewing the relevant people and reviewing the technical and operational documents, risk assessment. Dangers were taken and necessary corrective actions were presented. In 15 units of the plant, the activities and sub-activities were assessed, 44.85% of the hazards, 49.17% of the average risks and 5.98% of the identified risks and a control solution was provided for each of them. By providing control solutions, you can reduce many incidents at the plant and improve the level of safety. If the risks at medium and low level ignore what might be the great risks and opinions on the major risks is also training staff as one important way to reduce risks because many employees do not know how to handle properly
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