Evaluation of Radioactivity in Surabaya Coastal Estuary Ecosystem with Spectrometry a, b, g
Radioactivity levels have been measured in sediment samples, Echornia crassipes and Anadara granosa at the Surabaya river estuary. Measurement data were obtained by spectrophotometric method, which is a way of measuring and identifying radionuclides through observations of the spectrum emitted with detector material. The results of measurements and calculations that have been done show that the mean concentration of activity a, b, g (gross) in water in the Morokrembangan estuary and Kenjeran river estuary is still below the threshold value group C waters quality. Radionuclide identification results indicate the presence of natural radionuclides K 40,
Tl 208 and Pb 212, whereas artificial radionuclides Pu 239 and Cs 137 were not detected in all samples.
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