The Feasibility of Algae Treatment Treating Fecal Sludge Wastewater at Surabaya, Indonesia

This research work was preliminary, carried out to determine the performance of algae in the fecal sludge wastewater treatment. This study was conducted with a batch scale, using an algae reactor to treat fecal wastewater with high organic and nutrient contents. Cultured algae using Chlorella sp. was spiked in domestic wastewater with five days detention period. Environment conditions such as pH, dissolved oxygen, light and temperature were monitored. It was seen that light intensities directly could affect the temperature of the bioreactor. The algae reactor was able to remove 20-50% of COD, 30-40% of nitrate and 50% of phosphate. A high correlation was discovered between organic substance and nutrient removal efficiency. Reducing organic substance was pursued with increasing dissolved oxygen concentration. The microalgae process was found feasible for treating fecal sludge wastewater considering with bacteria-algae symbiosis.
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