Role of Soils and Its Trace Element Concentration on Human Dental Health: An Overview

Recognition of the relationship between soils and human health dates back to ancient times and soil degradation has certainly been an important issue for human civilization. The intake of food quality and its nutrition value depends to a large extent on the health of soils, in which it is grown. Moreover, the quality of drinking water depends upon the mineral-bearing rocks forming the aquifers, the soils through which it passes and the related geo-hydrological parameters. The present study specifically addresses the dental health problems caused due to the in-situ ground condition of the locality and the soil contamination. This kind of study has become more vital considering the fact that the burden of oral diseases is increasing in many developing countries, especially among the rural masses. However, the possible connections between soils or ground conditions and dental problems are yet to be established properly. Mechanism of the incorporation of trace elements into soils and further into human teeth need more understanding. The present appraisal of the works related to soils and human health can be considered as thought-provoking for future research in this field, especially in view of the effects of rapid climate change and industrialisation on soils and human health in recent times.
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