AccScience Publishing / AJWEP / Volume 16 / Issue 4 / DOI: 10.3233/AJW190046

Estimating Summer Emissions from Land Transportation  Vehicles Moving Along the Urban Roads

Petr M. Krylov1* Oleg N. Volodin2 Gleb A. Zaitsev3 Larisa P. Nekrasova4 Denis A. Klyuchnikov5
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1 Department of Economic and Social Geography, Moscow State Regional University, Moscow Region Mytishchi, St. Very Voloshinoi 24, 141014, Russian Federation
2 Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Penza, G. Titov Street, 28, 440028, Russian Federation
3 Laboratory of Forestry, Ufa Institute of Biology, Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ufa, pr. Otyabrya 69, 450054, Russian Federation
4 Laboratory of Environmental Hygienic Assessment and Prediction of Toxicity of Substances, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks” 10, b.1, Pogodinskaya St., Moscow, 119121, Russian Federation
5 Department of Geography, Ecology and Children’s Health, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok 10 Ajax Bay, 692500, Russian Federation
AJWEP 2019, 16(4), 29–37;
Submitted: 26 July 2019 | Revised: 6 August 2019 | Accepted: 6 August 2019 | Published: 6 November 2019
© 2019 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution -Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC-by the license) ( )

The industrial and transport effect on the environment is distinguished most significantly by the formation  of technogeneous geochemical anomalies in the urban landscape. This study was conducted within the boundaries  of urban agglomeration (Penza city) for two years (2014 and 2015) during the summer (June to August). To  determine the effect that the distance from road and the amount of heavy metal emissions have, samples were  extracted at a distance of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 metres from the roadway. There were three sampling points  at each sampling line, with a 3 to 4-metre space between them. The year-long measurements make up a number  over 20.000. In Penza, the flow of traffic typically varies between 3 and 3943 cars per hour. When produced in  significant amounts, heavy metal emissions from vehicles—exhaust emissions (Pb, Cu, Ni), particulate matter  emissions (Cu, Ni, Zn), emissions from plastics and paint (Zn, Cd), and tirewear emissions (Zn)—accumulate  in the roadside area, transform and further migrate along the food chains. All road categories show a significant  elevation in the background and emission limit values for all heavy metals studied. The most dramatic rise was  recorded for Cu and it was 5.09- to 19.11-fold. The concentration of Ni,Zn and Pb exceeds the acceptable rate  1.17- 8.79-fold. The concentration of carbon monoxide decreases with distance from the road. Street ranking by  car hazard shows that all main urban streets ​​with regulated traffic are category 1 hazard sources of emission,  mainly due to lead compounds (%). Between spring and summer, the traffic flow increases 1.3- to 2-fold and  the hazard category of roads rises (under 1.5-fold). Significant changes in the traffic infrastructure and vehicle  replacement compensate for the negative impact of vehicles on air quality in Penza, which was initially caused  by the increase in the number of vehicles on the road and by the subsequent overload of the transport network.  The increase in the queue length and time did not entail the emission growth. On the contrary, since 2014, Penza  has been showing a decreasing trend and since 2015, the total amount of emissions from motor vehicles has been  remaining at a stabilized point.

heavy metals
emission limit value
Conflict of interest
The authors declare they have no competing interests.

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Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Electronic ISSN: 1875-8568 Print ISSN: 0972-9860, Published by AccScience Publishing