Decolourization and Degradation of Reactive Textile Dyes by Isolated Strain Proteus mirabilis

Dyes used in textile industries are considered to be toxic and create pollution problems when released to the environment without proper treatments. Biological effluent decolourization techniques can be suggested as a remediation for this pollution problem. In the present study, a bacterial strain was isolated from an effluent treatment plant of a textile industry. This strain was able to decolourize 50 ppm dye solutions of Sumifix Supra Yellow EXF, Sumifix Supra Red EXF, Sumifix Supra Blue EXF and Cibacron Black WNN up to 96%, 94%, 83% and 95% respectively under static conditions at 35°C within 72 h of treatment. Further, the potential of this strain to decolourize mixture of these four dyes was evaluated under shaking and static conditions. Decolourization of the dyes was confirmed by UV–VIS analysis results and the strain was identified as Proteus mirabilis by using 16srRNA gene sequencing analysis.
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