Microbial Fuel Cell: Sustainable Approach for Reservoir Eutrophication

Cirata is one of the three reservoirs of Citarum where its function has developed from hydroelectric power generator to aquaculture and tourism in recent times. A number of floating net cage keeps increasing and they have reached 53,031 cages, which have actually exceeded the maximum amount under local government regulation. This condition has triggered eutrophication in the form of ammonium deposited in aquatic sediments. A study with a 30-day treatment of oxidation catalysis of inorganic and organic matter by bacteria called Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology had been conducted to reduce contamination of ammonium in the water. Various treatments were applied in the form of single and dual chambers, with and without aeration. Parameters measurements were decreased in ammonium levels in the sediment, and the same applied to the electricity generated as the by-product of microbial activity. The results showed that MFC technology was proven to reduce the levels of ammonium in the sediments up to 96.12%. The electricity output reached 333 mA.m-2 for a single chamber treatment with aeration. Overall, it can be indicated that better results appeared in all measured parameters with single-chamber treatments compared to dual-chamber ones.
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