An Investigation into Drainage Failures: A Case Study of University of Nigeria, Nsukka
This project research is aimed at investigating road drainage failures – taking the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) as a case study. A statistical approach of sampling was used in conducting/sharing the questionnaires within the scope of study. A physical observation method was used together with photography to gather more data for the study. The target population was the staff and students, together with the engineers of the Physical Planning Unit, of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. From the results gotten from the questionnaires it was found out that poor maintenance had majorly been the cause of the poor drainage and even failures of some others within the school premises. There is a saying that “pictures do not lie” and it was evident from the field work carried
out. Different types of failure mechanisms were identified and all boiled down majorly to the negligence of the authorities concerned. Some recommendations were given out for future purposes.
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