Green Architecture Using the DPSIR Model

Green architecture is one of the most important ways to achieve sustainability in architecture. The purpose of this study is to present a model of driving force, pressure, state, impact and response in green architecture. The nine indicators can be studied in this field that were used in the green building process. These indicators are greening index, daily energy consumption index, water resources index, biodiversity index, carbon dioxide reduction index, waste reduction index, basin water index, sewage and wastes improvement index and indoor index. Thermal and air pollution and citizens’ costs are among the drivers of green architecture in cities. The costs of people’s lives are known as pressure, environmental conditions of cities as the State, the impact of green architecture on cleaning air and reducing wastes, as the impact and the response of urban authorities to the expansion of the green roofs uses and the greening of urban space and buildings as the response. Therefore, there is a lot of driving forces on the use of green architecture in urban spaces in the model, which will lead to appropriate responses from the urban authorities.
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