Performance of Mesophilic Biofilter for the Treatment of Ethyl Benzene Polluted Air: Effect of Process Parameters

The removal of ethyl benzene in a laboratory scale biofilter was investigated using a mixed microbial culture immobilized on a tree bark and proflex media based biofilter. The effect of operating variables namely inlet VOC concentration and flow rate were studied in the range of 1.0-4.0 g/m3 and 0.25-1.0 m3 /h. The maximum removal efficiency of ethyl benzene attained was 98 % with an initial concentration of 1.0 g/m3 and Empty Bed Residence Time of 282 s. Increasing the inlet ethyl benzene concentration and the air flow rate reduced the removal performance of the biofilter. A maximum elimination capacity of 130.5 g/m3 /h was achieved under optimal conditions. Temperature variation of approximately 4.4°C was observed during the entire biofiltration period confirming the exothermic nature of bio-reaction. Maximum carbon dioxide production of 310.1 g/m3 /h was recorded when the maximum elimination capacity was achieved
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