AccScience Publishing / AJWEP / Volume 12 / Issue 1 / DOI: 10.3233/AJW-2015-12_1_05

Performance of Mesophilic Biofilter for the Treatment of Ethyl Benzene Polluted Air: Effect of Process Parameters

Rajamohan Natarajan1* Jamila Al-Sinani2 Saravanan Viswanathan2
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1 Faculty of Engineering, Sohar University, Sohar, Oman
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, India
AJWEP 2015, 12(1), 29–35;
Submitted: 3 June 2014 | Accepted: 28 November 2014 | Published: 1 January 2015
© 2015 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( )

The removal of ethyl benzene in a laboratory scale biofilter was investigated using a mixed microbial  culture immobilized on a tree bark and proflex media based biofilter. The effect of operating variables namely  inlet VOC concentration and flow rate were studied in the range of 1.0-4.0 g/m3  and 0.25-1.0 m3 /h. The maximum  removal efficiency of ethyl benzene attained was 98 % with an initial concentration of 1.0 g/m3  and Empty Bed  Residence Time of 282 s. Increasing the inlet ethyl benzene concentration and the air flow rate reduced the removal  performance of the biofilter. A maximum elimination capacity of 130.5 g/m3 /h was achieved under optimal conditions.  Temperature variation of approximately 4.4°C was observed during the entire biofiltration period confirming the  exothermic nature of bio-reaction. Maximum carbon dioxide production of 310.1 g/m3 /h was recorded when the  maximum elimination capacity was achieved

ethyl benzene
volatile organics
Conflict of interest
The authors declare they have no competing interests.

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Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Electronic ISSN: 1875-8568 Print ISSN: 0972-9860, Published by AccScience Publishing