Groundwater Arsenic in South-East Asia: Extent, Effects and Solutions

Groundwater is a clean source of drinking water. However, the presence of elevated concentrations of inorganic arsenic in groundwater, particularly in the regions of Bangladesh and the eastern part of India, is a cause for concern. Most people residing in this geographic location have no alternative but to drink arsenic contaminated groundwater, which has arsenic concentrations above the permissible limit (0.01 mg/L). As a result, approximately 123 million people in India and Bangladesh face higher risk of cancer, as well as risk other cardiovascular and neurologic diseases. Many techniques for getting rid of arsenic from drinking water are available. In this paper, we focus on the region of eastern India and Bangladesh to examine the extent of arsenic contamination and its toxic effects on humans, explore the sources of arsenic in this geography, and compare and contrast the technologies of arsenic removal.
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