Water Quality Assessment in Tiruchirappalli, India
The water quality assessment was conducted in Tiruchirappalli in southern India. The study region under consideration is located in the Indian southern state Tamilnadu, intersecting in the geological co-ordinates 10°48′9″N 78°42′43″E. It was doubted that the water resources in that location might be polluted due to the impact of distillery industry effluents located in the mentioned region thus causing stinky environment. So there was a necessity to test the ground and surface water pollutants. Clean plastic bottles were used to collect samples in various locations around the distillery unit. These samples were taken in three trials with fortnightly frequency. The collected samples were analyzed for their chemical parameters like hardness, pH, chlorides, sulphates, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, nickel, chromium, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand. Surface water samples are analyzed for parameters like BOD, COD, TDS, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel and manganese. These parameters are helping to indicate the level of quality of ground and surface water for drinking and other domestic purposes. The parameters then were checked in par with the World Health Organization standards. As a result it is observed that some parameters such as hardness of ground water were 10 times as that of the pure drinking water with desirable limits.
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