Health-related challenges faced by men who had sex with other men amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of sexualized drug use (chemsex): A literature review
Accessibility and utilization of health-care services among rural–urban migrants in Ghana: A scoping review
Immigrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees: Navigating conceptual challenges through multidimensional migration space-time
Long-term impact of mortality on population age structures
Gender disparities in telehealth use among older adults in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
Impact of rural-urban migration on indirect child mortality estimation in Kenya
Adolescents’ behavioral changes and preventive practices against COVID-19 in South Africa: The influence of household characteristics
Migrant traders, social capital, and the politics of local wisdom: A descriptive study of Warung Madura networks in Jakarta, Indonesia
Navigating planetary human entanglements through climate change-induced human mobility in Zimbabwe: An Afrocentric perspective from the global south
Exploring public opinions on Rohingya refugees residing in India: An empirical study